♥And I am in them and I am eternity♥
rilakkuma rilakkumaheart

Hello to everyone who is reading this!

I plan for this site to just be my own online space. I've really found the rise of social media and soulless content to be quite distasteful. So, I decided to return to an older age of the internet when blogs could really be your own little space of our vast online world instead of bowing down to corporate social media overlords. Anyways, the site is a work in progress because I am still learning how to code. Hopefully I can make something a little fancier at some point, but this will do for now.

Current Website Developing Goals:

As of 7/15/24

  • Add more graphics
  • Complete library page (you may have seen this already, since I write all my code directly on here and idc enough to delete activity updates sometimes)
  • Add OC page
  • More art and sketches in art section (ughhh I have to draw first for that)
  • Interactive music page
  • Add new pics in Aesthetic Junk Drawer
website randomcat

Site Updates:

  • 7/18/24: New blog post regarding some of my thoughts on Neocities and its users. Read it here!
  • 4/9/24: Changed the background again? Why yes I did. Don't know how I feel about it. Probably just need to extend everything so there isn't as much open space and add more graphics.
  • 4/7/24: Did some minor updating! Changed my aesthetic junk drawer up, changed background of divs, and added something to the TV. BTW, the aesthetic junk drawer will henceforth contain awful memes I find, and the TV is going to play Puparia by Shingo Tamagawa until I finish up my plans for it. I liked it better than just leaving that annoying "Coming soon" image because it made me remember that I still need to work on it :(((((
  • 4/4/24: I posted some new poetry!
  • 6/5/23: I made a new blog post!
  • 5/27/23: Check out my new book review of "A Thousand Steps Into Night."
  • 5/21/23: So uhhh, did almost an entire overhaul of my theme and added some stuff. Once again, Vi is indecisive about her aesthetics. Oh well, this was fun to make. Will I change it again in a month? Probably, but in the mean time plz enjoy the slideshow I made. It will be updated periodically with cool things I find on Pinterest!
  • 5/3/23: Added some things to the Art section and figured out how to make thumbnails for images.
  • 4/17/23: As promised, my review of "We Have Always Lived in the Castle" which can be found here!
  • 4/6/23: Spent forever deciding new background and header. Decided these fit the site better than previous one. Now this acurately displays my love for purple and Monet paintings.
  • 4/3/23: I added a new blog post! Check it out here
  • 3/31/23: I got stuck fixing image positioning on different page sizes, then I figured out that the container had to be set to "position: relative." So the images are in a constant position on whatever page size you're on. New writing coming soon!
  • 3/28/23: Added more images, fixed the font issues on pages, and added blinkies.
  • 3/27/23: A home button, more photos to the site and some smaller design elements, this update box, and some of my new writing! Which can be found under the writing tab or here

Violet's Daily Updates:

  • 7/14/24: So, I still haven't decided what I'm doing with my life, and I've decided I will just write awful poetry and update this site to distract myself instead. But fr, I graduated from my community college and IDK what to do now :( :(
  • 4/21/24: Guys I'm so done with this shit fr One of my sweetest rats had a cage accident and I had to put her down yesterday it was legitimately the most awful thing I've seen happen to one of my pets UGHHHH my poor baby
  • 4/19/24: My internet has not been working properly for the past two days since a huge storm, and I have been running off my phone's hotspot I am going absolutely insane. Anyway, go listen to Good Luck Babe by Chappell Roan it's amazing.
  • 4/9/24: Guys stop I got too focused on this site it was a bad idea to pick it up again I've been working on this instead of my homework that is due tonight S.O.S. AHHHHH
  • 4/8/24: Happy eclipse day for everyone in North America! Where I am experienced roughly 85% coverage. And not to worry, my eyeballs are still fine. My local library gave out pairs of glasses. Fr, support libraries they do a lot of cool stuff like that.
  • 4/4/24: Not to worry everyone! I am not dead, nor have I abandoned my site. TBH I fixated on making this site last year so that's why all the major updates were from then. I'm going to try and make myself do more work on this because it was so much fun last year. Anyway, I added some poetry I wrote. Read it if you want! Is anyone still checking this blog? I barely update so probably not lol :)
  • 11/27/23: Currently crying over my statistics and algebra finals coming up. Why oh why God did you give me a natural predisposition to the arts and not math? (╥﹏╥)
  • 11/24/23: HELLO? IS ANYONE STILL HERE?? Jokes aside, thank god for Thanksgiving break. I actually had time to hop on here and found out that some people are actually still finding this place? Very cool, thanks for the comments on my profile, guys. :) Plan to get back into updating soon, but I've mostly been focusing on college and creative endeavors outside of here!
  • 5/27/23: Had my grad party today! Answered the question "What are you thinking about doing next" around 150 times. I said college, but really I wish I was a worm rn because life is toooo stressful.
  • 5/24/23: Took some time today to lament over the fact that I am not a ridiculously successful author and illustrator of children's books living out my cozy life in a little cottage in the pacific northwest. How can life be so cruel to me?
  • 5/21/23: I graduated today!! It was so damn hot outside I thought I'd roast alive and pass out before I got to the stage and recieved my diploma.
  • 5/8/23: My concurrent college classes are over! So I won't have anymore of them until I actually go to college. I've been drawing more lately, especially fashion plates, and I'm currently programming something involving them for the homepage as a mini-game. It will also take a while to get everything drawn up, but now I have pretty much all summer.
  • 5/3/23: Well, I'm back! I guess. Everything is slowing down in school so I've had more spare time. Mostly to worry about stuff, like how I didn't win hardly any scholarsip money from my school's awards. Love that place! I have a few technical things I want to fix on this, but that might take a bit and there will be some weird stuff going on. Bear with me.
  • 4/27/23: When I tell you I don't have the energy to do anything I mean anything. It's terrible. I need to pick back up on here but I've been in a mental block atm.
  • 4/18/23: Nothing new for today! I started writing another blog post and bought some seeds to start growing from my local farm supply store.
  • 4/16/23: I finished writing a book review! It should be posted within the next two days. Additionally, I wrote a blog post but then scrapped it because I didn't like it all too much and didn't suit my blog. It was too personal for something on here, and I am conscious of my digital footprint like a good Gen-Z should be.
  • 4/11/23: Another one of my damn rats died randomly yesterday :( She was completely fine the day before, and passed in the night. My mom thinks she had some kind of internal issues. So now I'm down to two babies. R.I.P. Mildred. On another note, all of my school things are slowing down, so I might be able to work on the site more!
  • 4/6/23: My new laptop is coming today! I will actually be able to play Minecraft on it since my old Chromebook can't download it. And I'm working on a project that will be a blog post at some point. On the bad side of things, I am taking one of my elderly pet rats to the vet to be put to sleep. R.I.P. my rescue rat Edna, you had a good six months with me and 3 years of life. :(
  • 4/4/23: Guys I got a Minecraft bee from Walmart the other day and I spilled coffee all over him this morning x_x I might post a photo of him later in a blog update. Also, I'm going to try on a prom dress today an hour away from me even though it's supposed to hail and storm. yayyy...

Vi's Aesthetic Junk Drawer

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